Simply put, doing good things continually will create momentum and positive energy every day!
For example, start your day with some stretching or exercise and you will immediately feel good. Little things add up and produce the positive energy results we all need.
Here are some good energy pointers that will make you feel amazing:
- We should always be thankful and grateful… not taking anything for granted!
- Treat simple things as the luxuries that they are… such as waking up and taking a blissful shower. Many people in this world do not easily have this privilege.
- Appreciate and love yourself first… so important!
- Start your day off by walking over to the mirror and flex your muscles! Be the first person every day to compliment you.
- Make use of your time and get a motivational start. While starting your day (i.e. – getting dressed, making breakfast), listen to a new podcast episode or audio book.
- Find something to get you excited for the day. A simple goal or something meaningful can keep you going and prevent stress.
- How about music! It is proven to be a super charger to get your energy levels high.
- How we look and feel is how we eat and vice versa. Indulge in a wonderful cup of green tea every day. It’s simple, cheap, good for you and will make you feel terrific!
- Have a pet? No matter what, they will always greet you with unconditional love. Embrace those moments when you first walk in the door and give it back to them!
- Help others as often as you can and watch how truly great you will feel to have done so.
- Do something active for yourself regularly that you enjoy such as playing a sport, exercising at a gym, practicing Yoga, going on a bike ride or run, etc… Observe how it
- will help clear your mind for a bit and bring you the joy that you deserve.
- Spend some time relaxing… you can meditate, draw, read a book, play an instrument, etc. It will allow your body to calm down.
- Add some nice chamomile tea or a glass of wine early in the evening will be a treat for an amazing day.
- Watching something funny an hour or so before going to sleep can put a nice smile on your face.